How much do NFL cheerleaders make?

How much do NFL cheerleaders make?

Cheerleaders in the NFL generally make just above minimum wage for their time spent preparing and practising. On game days cheerleaders will make anywhere from $100-$200 dollars. The pay of NFL cheerleaders is decided by each team individually meaning the league has no say in how much cheerleaders get paid. This has resulted in pay … Read more

Why do football players tape their ankles?

Why do football players tape their ankles?

If you watch football often you have likely noticed that many football players will tape their ankles and shoes before a game. This leaves a lot of football fans wondering why football players wear this tape. Football players tape their ankles for several different reasons. It is primarily done in order to provide more support … Read more

Why do football players talk on a phone on the sideline?

Why do football players talk on a phone on the sideline

When watching football on television you may have noticed that quarterbacks occasionally take calls on a phone on the sideline. This has left many fans wondering what exactly this is meant for. The main reason a player will talk on the phone on the sideline is to communicate with the offensive coordinator. Offensive coordinators often … Read more

What Is Mesh Concept In Football

mesh concept

A mesh concept in football is a passing strategy that involves two offensive players running crossing routes that meet in the middle of the field. These two routes are run at very similar depths creating a natural pick against the defenders. With a mesh concept, one of the two route runners is going slightly deeper … Read more

What Is A Slant Route In Football?

Keeping up with all routes, positions, and plays in football can be confusing, often leading to some miscommunications on the football field. Luckily this guide is on hand to break down exactly what a slant route is in football. A slant route in football is a short route that involves the receiver taking a few … Read more

How To Be An NFL Referee Explained

how to become an NFL referee

If you are a fan of football you likely watch NFL referees in action every Sunday. Though the vast majority of fans do not know the path these referees take in order to get themselves into these games. Interestingly just like NFL players referees are also scouted. The NFL themselves have a team of scouts … Read more